2009年4月14日 星期二

Color Quiz

This is my result~~~I really love these kinds of soft. These colors make me feel relaxing.
In conclusion, the quizzes are quite accurate. That's my personailty. It is quite interesting that the color can illustrate my feeling and my personarity.

Your Existing Situation
"Inclined to choose luxurious things, which are gratifying to the senses. Turned off by things which are tacky and tasteless."

Your Stress Sources
"Needs to feel as if she belongs and is accepted, and will stay in an unsatisfying relationship in order to fulfill that need. Feels a sense of vulnerability, which she hides from others, and feels dependant on her partner and therefore continues the relationship. she feels depressed and irritable due to her situation which then causes her to feel restless and desperately needed to escape, yet her insecurities keep her tied down. her concentration may suffer due to her current situation. "

Your Restrained Characteristics
Emotionally demanding and will involve herself in close relationships but won't get too involved or give too much of himself.
"Believes her hopes and dreams are realistic, but needs reassurance from others. Has strict standards when looking for a partner and wants guarantees that she will not be disappointed or lose."
Conceited and is easily insulted. Holds back emotionally but is able to find satisfaction through sexual activity.

Your Desired Objective
"Is very goal oriented and driven, and does not allow things to distract her from reaching her goals. Overcomes all obstacles she is faced with. Wants to gain recognition and a good reputation for her successes."

Your Actual Problem
Feeling anxious and restless frustration toward current situation or unfulfilled emotional requirements are causing stress. she tries escaping by throwing herself into activities directed at personal success or experiencing new things.

Your Actual Problem #2
Is afraid she will be held back from obtaining the things she wants leading her to act out with a hectic intensity.

The color representing me :
You are natural and easy-going, you prefer a calm environment.
You are attracted to the outdoors.
You have a refined sense of beauty.
You have a rather conservative and well-ordered mind, you are not attracted to the bizarre.
You are comfortable with your current value system, you are not entertained by fads or styles.

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